State Root Certification Authority - ECEE

The ECEE is the certifying entity of the top of the SCEE certification chain (StateRootCE), executor of certificate policies and guidelines approved by the SCEE Management Board.   It is for this to provide certification services to certification of the state entities in the hierarchical level immediately below its certification chain, in accordance with the rules applicable to certifying entities established in Portugal in issuing qualified digital certificates.

The digital certification services provided by ECRaiz Estado (StateRootCE) include exclusively: the registration process of certification bodies, certificate generation and management of their life cycle, spread the certificates, policies and certification practices, the revocation management and disbursement of state / similar situation.

The definition detail, composition and functioning are defined in documentation and specific legislation.

The ECEE is addressed, inherently, by the Director of Centro de Gestão da Rede Informática do Governo (CEGER).


Sistema de Certificação Electrónica do Estado (SCEE)

The State Electronic Certification System (ECEE) – was created by Decree-Law nº 116-A/2006, of 16th June 2006, to assure the unity, the integration and effectiveness of the strong digital authentication systems in the electronic relations of individuals or legal entities with the State and among public entities.